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Timo Lehti

What is it really about – The Core of the Screen Idea

Aalto University, Finland

The terms Screen Idea and Screen Idea Work Group (SIWG) play a significant role in defining the purpose of a television series writers’ room. Within this group, the headwriter and the episode writers hold key positions as they shape and develop the screen idea.

Many headwriters place great emphasis on the importance of all participants in the writers’ room fully grasping the essence of the series. It is essential for the writers to comprehend the true nature of the series in order to write episodes that align with the headwriter’s vision. Thus, the question arises: what should we call this “vision,” which is sometimes referred to as the DNA of the series?

I propose that we refer to this as the Core of the Screen Idea. If the Screen Idea is likened to an empty lot where almost any plant could grow, the Core of the Screen Idea is the carefully planted apple tree. If it is properly nurtured and watered, it will grow and it may be the starting point for an orchard – or in this case, the foundation where all the characters, stories, themes and eventually scripts stem from.

In the hierarchy of storytelling, the Core of the Screen Idea assumes utmost importance, as all creative choices are intrinsically linked to it. It differs from the germ of an idea, which some see as the starting point for the Screen Idea. All of these ideas may exist solely within the minds and verbal communication of the members of the SIWG.

The Core of the Screen Idea may enhance the theoretical interpretation of writing processes of television series and activities occurring inside the writers’ room.

Timo Lehti is a Doctoral Candidate and a University Lecturer in Aalto University. In 2018-2021 he worked as the project manager of the Virtual Writers’ Room -project and he co-wrote the The Writers’ Room ebook. In 2021 Timo gave a speech about the Magic of Teamwork in TEDxMetropoliaUniversity.